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Christmas Safety Tips

Christmas Safety Tips

The most beloved time of the year can often be tainted by unexpected circumstances due to poor planning. River City Rentals knows you've carefully selected the perfect tree and spent hours decorating your home in preparation for the perfect Christmas. We want to help keep your plans on track by suggesting some basic tips for continuing that perfect holiday vibe:

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...

Make sure your favorite Christmas icon doesn't become that which you loathe! Be sure to water your tree faithfully if it is a live tree. You don't want it to dry out and catch fire! In addition, keep that beloved pine away from fireplaces and heaters lest you present your favorite holiday decoration as kindling. Loving place that Yuletide beast in a place where you can keep an eye on it, protecting it from the occasional wayward child or eager pet. Be sure you ornaments are non-conductive and flame retardant! The same should be true for an artificial tree.

Underneath the Christmas Lights...

Christmas lights create an ambiance which is magical to Christmas. They enhance moods, brighten otherwise dark rooms and present a romantic, warm glow. They also cause fires when not replaced every three years. In addition, missing or broken bulbs can also pose as a fire hazard. Never leave your Christmas lights on while you are absent from your home and always turn them off before you go to bed each night.

Under Wraps...

If you are one of the few, the proud, the toasty who have a wood burning fireplace, the temptation to throw the wrapping paper into the fireplace is real. Here's the deal: Don't. Do. It. This is a major fire hazard. In fact, it is right up there with burning candles while you are away from home. Don't let your mad pyro skills override common sense. Dispose of the wrapping paper or recycle it, but don't burn it.

The Heat of the Moment...

It's easy to get distracted when baking holiday goodies and socializing with friends or phoning love ones who are miles away. It's important that you not leave your oven unattended. Also, make sure your oven is turned off before leaving your home or going to bed at night! The only thing we want to burn are calories. Not cookies. Not houses. Keep your fire extinguisher at the ready and make sure it is a multipurpose ABC labeled extinguisher.

For more information contact River City Rentals today!
